Disc Springs

Disc springs, also called Belleville washers, have different styles with unique properties. The plain disc spring is a flat, round metal piece with a center hole. It effectively distributes axial load and can handle high compression forces. The serrated disc spring has teeth around its outer edge, providing a secure grip and precise positioning. Wave disc springs have an undulating shape, offering greater deflection and resilience for varying loads. These springs are ideal for compensating applications.

Disc springs, are versatile mechanical components used in various industries. They balance loads, absorb shocks, and pre-load fasteners for secure connections. Compact and strong, disc springs are invaluable in heavy machinery, aerospace, and energy sectors, compensating for expansion, maintaining pressure, and providing dynamic support. They can be loaded statically, continuously, intermittently or cyclically deflected (dynamically loaded).

They are made from various materials like stainless steel, high carbon steel, and alloy steel. Stainless steel is corrosion-resistant and ideal for marine or food processing industries. High carbon steel works well for heavy machinery or automotive uses, while alloy steel is extremely strong for tough conditions and heavy loads. Each material has unique advantages, allowing disc springs to be customized for many applications and industries.